Where traditional financial media will publish articles on topics that they believe the majority of their readership will be interested in, we ask the reader - our client - what they want to know. Our research reports are therefore entirely bespoke to you - you decide on the content, not us. We provide regular reports per country at agreed intervals, with each client’s reports being bespoke to their particular investment interests and specific information needs.

In addition to the popular Emerging & Frontier Markets such as Iran, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Egypt, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, we can also report on many of the more elusive, remote, or unfamiliar nations such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Should you require coverage of a country we are not currently reporting on we can quickly activate dormant contacts, or recruit, vet, and train new sources.

When you sign up we will go through the following process:

  1. Scope: Dependent on the complexity of your needs over the course of one or more meetings at your offices we will determine which nations you require coverage of, which sectors you focus on, and if you have any specific information needs.

  2. Collection: We will then direct our on-the-ground sources in the desired countries to investigate the relevant sectors and specific information requirements. In the unlikely event our sources do not already have networks and reach into your chosen sectors then we will recruit, vet, and train new sources accordingly.

  3. Collation: Our in-country sources submit their overviews of economic, political, and security events during the reporting period, and their findings on your chosen sectors/ areas. These numerous reports from our multiple sources are then cross-checked and refined by our London HQ staff before being delivered by email to you.

  4. Comment: Client feedback helps to refine the work and focus of our sources, ensuring a continually improving reporting product over time. As your investment focus shifts with time, so can the focus of our sources’ information collection efforts.

  5. Alert: As part of our information reporting service we will, on occasion and for highly significant events, provide immediate alerts by email - routinely beating all international media and so alerting our clients ahead of their competition. Through these alerts our existing clients have been informed of two political assassinations, the July 2018 Pakistani election result, the July 2018 Nigerian ruling party split, and September 2018 fuel VAT rise linked strikes in Nairobi - all ahead of international media and therefore ahead of our clients’ competitors.

Get in touch to explore how we can help your firm.


An example of our unique capabilities is encompassed in how we helped an existing client that invests in Pakistani agriculture. The client was aware that a significant proportion of the market was supplied by illicit products - thus depriving their investment of market share. Whilst other information providers could provide some data, much of it wildly conflicted and none was current. They were keen to firmly quantify the market share held by illicit, determine if that share was changing, and understand what the Pakistani authorities were doing to counter it. 

We handed the task to one of our local sources in Pakistan - a former intelligence officer. He used his network and credibility to secure up to date year-on-year illicit market share data from the Federal Board of Revenue, and reliable historic and current figures on annual and monthly seizures of illicit goods from the Inland Revenue Enforcement Network.

When over a quarter of a market is supplied by illicit products, knowledge of what the local authorities are doing to squeeze that illicit supply could be crucial to forecasting returns. Get in touch via our Contact page to see how we can support your business.